Lets learn "Factory design pattern"
In this tutorial, we'll learn about the factory design pattern as in what it is, in which use cases this is being used and how it works. If you've are not familiar with what are software design patterns and what are its different types check out this tutorial. Introduction A factory design pattern is a creational design pattern that is related to object creation. In this pattern, we'll have a method to create an object without exposing its creation logic to the client. If a class method is creating an object it has to be static. The idea is to create a static method ( factory method ) which instantiates a class without exposing its logic to the client and the client can use that method every time it needs to create an object of the class. The reason why the factory pattern is useful is that as it does not expose the logic of object creation, so if logic is changed, the client code need not to be changed. Usecases The place where this pattern is mostly used is library cod...